Saturday, April 4, 2009


About time, I say. I have been wondering why there isn't anything out there about the art of the photobook. Not photography books. Yes there is a fair amount on that subject. The art of the photobook is creating a book that is designed to be the art in and of itself. That is, intentionally using the format of the book to collect photographic images into a collection. This collection of images is more than a catalogue of images. The collection is assembled to communicate a narrative, a concept, an idea, an emotion, a intentional work of art.

So this blog is to begin the process of analyzing the art of the photobook past, present and future. My feeling is that we are at an interesting juncture in the history of the medium (that is the photobook) with the advent of a wide array of self publishing tools available at minimum cost or free.

You will find at intermittent moments musings about this exciting medium on this blog
. You are invited to participate in this discussion.

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