Monday, June 3, 2024

New artist photobook, click link to preview the book: GARDEN CITIES 

Or click image below to watch the book video.

Garden Cities cover

Garden Cities is a self-published artist photobook that includes seventy-five color pictures. This project looks at the question of the role of "green spaces" in cities and what does it mean to have a verdant aesthetic in the built environment?

Other publication by Philip Malkin

Tuesday, October 5, 2021


Interiors is the latest artist book created by Philip Malkin Fine Arts, Click the image below to preview the book.


Tuesday, March 23, 2021


I embarking on a new journey. Today I began work on another project; archimage ART. This website will hold the more experimental work I am experimenting with. Admittedly, it is being inspired by all the web chatter about NTFs (non-fungible token). I am just dipping my toe into this genre of art making. Please take a look at the new web site and let me know your thoughts. A work in progress.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Topics for this Year

 I have a website, an Instagram page, a Twitter page, and this Blog. I don't get many visitors to any of them, usually my friends and family. Every once in a while someone I do not know comes by and visits one of these sites. I have been doing this for quite some time as a means to get my art out into the world.

I also submit my art work every once in awhile to "call for art" that galleries post. This is a source of great frustration since out of 10 submittals, my work may be accepted by one or two galleries. So this year, 2021 I am going to try and post to this blog more frequently as a means to generate more interest in my art work. Following are a list of topics I have been thinking about to write in this blog, not necessarily in any order or priority:

  • Art projects in process
  • Making photobooks and why
  • Color vs black and white photography
  • The photo image as art work (this will be primarily about my work)
  • Photo art aesthetics
Assuming someone reads this, I am open to suggestions.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

for the love of Photobooks

I have been collecting photobooks for about forty years. I love the way they feel and the intimate viewing distance looking at one. The photographs presented in a book is so much different than when viewing one on a wall in a gallery or museum. How the photographs are sequenced provide a very different "narrative" than any one photograph by itself. This essay by Teju Cole, "In Praise of the Photobook" sums up many of the reasons why a photobook is unique.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Book: Hand Tools (a sampler)

New book created this past summer during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click the image to preview the book.


Sunday, August 16, 2020

Book: Built

Published this month, August 2020. Click on image to preview the book.


Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Politics 2017
I find myself preoccupied by what is going on in the USA. This is the first of a new series.
